Thu, 27 Apr
Climate and biodiversity: Topical issues for board members
As part of the ECODA's European Board Diploma
Time & Location
27 Apr 2023, 09:00 – 17:30
Bruxelles, Av. d'Auderghem 22/28/8, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium
About the event
Chapter Zero Brussels and ecoDa (The European Confederation of Directors’ Associations) joint course gives board members and other governance professionals what they need to know to become climate-competent to complete their company’s transition successfully. More granular topics will be explored, including how to define a differentiating and meaningful corporate purpose, what are the new ESG reporting requirements board members have to comply with, how to spot sustainability risks and opportunities.
This course is part of ecoDa's European Board Diploma, but can be attended on a stand-alone basis.